Student Council

The Student Council consists of a pair of elected representatives from each class, who have volunteered to work with an adult advisor on ideas for events and projects. Here are the class representatives this academic year:

Lisa and Wan-Chi Gr 10 

Julia and Nora Gr 9 

Vemund and Marie Gr 8 

Pughazini and Zara Gr 7 

Maya and Mukaiding Gr 6 

Lorelei and Jonas Gr 5 

Evelina and Narwin Gr 4 

The Student Council is here to represent the students so that their voice can be brought to discussion. Every representative attends weekly meetings on Friday to discuss previous events and new suggestions. 

Within the student council, we have certain roles that representatives have volunteered to take including the:

-President: Leads all meetings, prepares agendas and works with the advisor for planning regarding all events. Works closely with the treasurer to maintain budgets

-Treasurer: Keeps track of the council’s expenses and revenues, maintains an accurate and detailed financial record in addition to preparing budgets

-Vice President: Works closely with the president and fills in for the President when needed

As of now, the Student Council has already planned a World Food Day, where food collected will donated to the Salvation Army,  The Giving Tree where gently used or new items will be donated as Christmas gifts. We will also organizing a Door Competition, in which each class will have one week to decorate their door with a Christmas theme. The winning class will be given a pizza party. We are planning on several future events including a book week.